Trade Examples: The DVD could find for you.
WATT - Playing the Downside After Tremendous Run Up -
WHEN a stock has a tremendous run up - a BIG Swing in the chart pattern - OFTEN the momentum, excitement and computerized trading - carries it way higher then people want to hold on to it the next day. MOST of the time, when you analyze the valuations, it's overdone. - AND traders are quick to take profits, which leads to the stock falling off - which then leads to other traders seeing it, and also selling.
- In the case of WATT, afterwards - first a refresher on Why WATT ran up.
WATT got approval for its wireless charging system, you could charge all the standard devices wirelessly, just by putting them next to the charger.
- WATT ran up from $9 to $33 - THERE'S NO WAY it was going to stay up that high, even with the added earnings potential of the new device.
- So if you think a stock is going to go down, you could buy the stock options called "Puts". "Puts" are stock options for when you want the stock to go down - explained on DVD.
- You could check out the stock action at the time by looking at What's called the "Historical Prices", the stock prices high / low on certain dates.

ZSAN - stock trade example given below. They had reported very good results on its Migraine Headache Patch.
Stock pick was given at $2. Went to $2.50 quickly - (25% gain, obviously).
ZSAN - Yahoo Page -
- This link will work for all the stocks listed below - just change the symbol.
News -

DGLY - Digital Alley: at the time - DGLY was the ONLY company that made those "Wearable Police Body Cameras". - AND the Ferguson Incident (riots) were happening at the same time - Resulting in several "the police did this" - followed by "No, I didn't" = Hence the Need / Call for cameras
- Stock Started at $3.30 - Made it Up to $33

-To Check Accuracy of Any Stock Prices - You can use Yahoo "Historical Prices" - Day to Day Prices:
- And Take Out Stock Symbol ACI - and Replace it with the symbol you want:
Link -
VLTC: at News came out - in the Chat Rooms - that Carl Icahn was "In" this stock - AND it was trading at $1 = Nothing else matters (what they do or anything)
- Stock was a Dollar - Shot Up to $2.50 BEFORE anyone knew Why
- Made it Up to $21
CANF: Got FDA Fast Track Approval for its Liver Cancer Drug)
- $4 to $7 SAME Day -

Another trade example would be ETRM. They market an implantable device that suppresses the hunger feeling - and they have listed major institutions as their buyers. - Bought at $6 - Made it to $10 in 2 hours.

CPRX - News Article Tanked Stock - May have been "Unsubstantiated" - NO FDA Report:
How much it Tanked Shown at Bottom
WAS $3.50 (Average) - Tanked to $2.71 - Recovered and went up - to $4.65

Natural Gas Stock Options Play:
Calls were bought December 18th - Chart Shown then - It was a warm day on the East Coast - No one was interested in Natural Gas.
Since then, they have gone up 650%

Calls were initally bought Before December 18th - When Nat Gas was at a 14 year low. - They managed to go lower. - "Doubled Down" December 18th at .13
Customers Will Also Be Texted Stock Picks - Similar to Ones Shown -
- Not a lot are texted - Only when a Relatively "Sure Thing" shows itself - Because - Most people are busy - they don't know how to use "Stops" and stuff - and by texting, you're taking a lot of responsibility.
- So, it's Not like - a billion texted, and these are the winners.