Making Money

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We Build Excitement!!!
Experienced Inventor/Builder Seeks Seed Money to Bring Next Generation / Game Changing Invention Products To Market - That Will Make the World a BETTER Place!!!!
- ALSO - Will Make Quite a Media Splash - IF the three main inventions listed below can make it to the working prototype stage (or close)
- ALSO - Job Creation
First of all, there's three sets of inventions on this web page -
- First, are the ones he wants to work on right away
- Second, are "Down The Road" inventions
- Third, are previous inventions the inventor has designed and built - mostly shown to show ability
His main invention is his Single Wheel Bicycle Trailer Invention -
- First of all, a prototype of the basic unit has been built. It tests out and does the job -
- The owner of the largest bicycle shop in Nassau county New York says he will carry it once it comes out.
Advantage of Single Wheel:
- The friction encountered by a single wheel trailer has to be 1/10 of the resistance of the two wheel trailer.
- Second of all - the tracking width is no greater than the width of the bicycle handlebars = this all equals you can speed down the road and knife through busy traffic - and ride pretty much the same with a load as without any load. It's been tested, it works!!!
- As we all know, in busy Urban environments (esp. one that we all know of) - often bicycles are the only things that can get down the road.
- So, with this relatively simple invention, you can easily carry a lot of stuff with your bicycle, up to 100 lb, however, WHEN people go shopping, and/or transporting - seldom weighs nearly that much.
2 "Sub Units":
In addition to the main, relatively simple cargo carrying invention - it has two sub-variants
2.) Food Carrying Unit - Carry hot pizza / cold beer / soda. The hot bags that carry Pizza have been measured - will carry Eight 16 inch pizzas. The cold bags will carry Four 2 Liter bottles of soda (or four quarts of cold beer). - Will have simple sheet metal design to accomplish the above task - and to function in an Urban environment.
3.) Trailer setup to carry your dog!!! Designed to comfortably and safely carry most dogs, except for super large. = So now you'll be able to carry your dog around, nearly every place you can ride by yourself - and not be limited to distances you can foot travel - or have to use the car. - You'll be able to travel nearly as far and fast with this dog trailer as without any trailer - as explained next - AND - your dog should love it! Since they love to ride in cars.

Hansom Cab Project - There's currently No modern version of a Horse Drawn Carriage) - extensive internet search.
There's currently No modern version of a Horse Drawn Carriage) - extensive internet search. The basic idea here is to come up with a horse-drawn vehicle, that can be drawn by a single horse - and be able to "mingle" with current traffic - in terms of speed and maneuverability. Of course it won't go 20 or 30 miles an hour - but the idea is to come up with the carriage with those minimal friction as possible - so in theory it could go as fast as the horse could go without pulling anything - = So, few would doubt, single axle is the way to go.) "Hansom Cab" - Re-Invented for 2023 - uses the basic configuration of the 1890s Hansom Cab - - - carries two passengers comfortably, three sort of comfortable - - plus the driver on top Basic Construction: - No Wooden Creaking Wheels - Car type rims and tires. Now they make 24 inch rims as sort of a standard - the associated tire measures 31 inch outside diameter. They are the mag-type for custom cars = should have good appearance for a horse drawn vehicle. - Lightweight aluminum frame - "RV type construction" cabin - will utilize components used to construct RV motor homes - frame material, weatherproof plywood and stuff - and including windows and doors. Innovations: - Fully Enclosed / Weatherproof Design - Protected from rain Tech Innovations: - Air Ride Suspension - Self Braking Capability - don't know if you're familiar with boat trailer brakes. The way they work is when the weight of the boat is shifted forward - from the towing vehicle applying the brakes - the trailer has its own master cylinder and braking - so the weight being shifted forward triggers the master cylinder, and so on. - This will have similar principle system - the automobile rims will have the disc brake still attached - along with a master cylinder - only the horse will provide the braking - When the horse slows down, it will trigger a mechanism, the triggers the master cylinder. Which would be advantageous not only for hills - but also for this specific design - because it's designed to go fast as hell with minimum weight and friction. Of course the driver can manually apply the brakes, as well ≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈
Also will have to evolve to having climate control. Will look into AC and heaters utilized by electric vehicles. Will have "boat type size" battery - that will also power necessary interior lighting - and more than likely exterior safety lights. - will eventually look into electric power assist.

Low Rider Chopper Style (Recumbent) Bicycle - Will both be manual - regular pedaled bicycle - and an Ebike (built to carry two) There has NEVER been a chopper bicycle that has been ANYWHERE NEAR CORRECTLY DONE -.
mostly by appearance. This will also be correctly done as far as geometry and function - but that feature will be largely lost unless people look at it for longer than the usual attention span of 2 seconds - but will come out. Designed to look like the coolest 1960s style Harley Davidson Chopper EVER - AND - Be functionally correct in design geometry, to handle well (if you've ever ridden a chopper, you'll know what I mean). Designed to look really radical like a 1960s Harley Chopper. This will have it ALL!!! - Long Springer design, with chopper style seat and sissy bar - and coil over shocks in the rear, for effect. Marketability: The E Bike field is already a crowded field - however there's nothing remotely close to what is planned in this venture. The regular (manual) pedal style would be the main invention - and the ebike basically the same, but beefed up to carry the motor and battery along with extra passenger. - However now with current generation, the reasons for people to want to exercise are largely lost Two versions planned: - Regular pedal style - Electric version as well (designed to comfortably and safely carry two people) First of all what a recumbent bicycle is: It's the ones where it looks like the fellow is lying down - with the pedals far out in front of him. - the advantage is they go much faster than regular bicycles. With a bicycle when you're riding at any speed, the wind resistance is 40% of the drag. ≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈ 2023 version of the 1890s style Horse Drawn "Handsome Cab" Lightweight Aluminum construction that will Go Fast as Hell - - Single Axle - 2 passengers plus driver - somewhat reminiscent of the "Handsome Cab" designs of 1890s London - if you're familiar with that design. - There currently is no trailer of this design on the market. This would have the same general configuration of the Handsome Cab - two passengers in front, driver on top - only enclosed "weatherproof" aluminum design - to be as lightweight as physics will allow - - This would put horse drawn carriages back on busy streets - and conceivably go from one end of Manhattan to another - and go "Almost" as fast as the horse could go "with" as "without". - Would also have regular pneumatic tires - somewhat larger - and of suitable design for such an invention. - Would also have "Self Braking Capacity" - so that when the horse slows down - it would automatically apply the brakes. Similar in function to boat trailers with brakes. For those unfamiliar - many boat trailers have a sliding mechanism so that when you apply the brakes on your car/truck - the load slides forward and triggers a master cylinder - that applies the brakes. - This would have a similar in function mechanism - with disc brakes on the wheels. - Would also have a foot break so the driver could apply the brakes. - Design somewhat started - but an invention such as this is a big research project.
Also has a unique set up, where you can accomplish the whole thing from your smartphone. Described Below -

We Build Excitement!!!
Experienced Inventor/Builder Seeks Seed Money to Bring Next Generation / Game Changing Invention Products To Market - That Will Make the World a BETTER Place!!!!
- ALSO - Will Make Quite a Media Splash - IF the three main inventions listed below can make it to the working prototype stage (or close)
First of all, there's three sets of inventions on this web page -
- First, are the ones he wants to work on right away - Second, are "Down The Road" inventions - Third, are previous inventions the inventor has designed and built - mostly shown to show ability His main invention is his Single Wheel Bicycle Trailer Invention - 1.) In addition to the main, relatively simple cargo carrying invention - it has two sub-variants -
2.) Food Carrying Unit - Carry hot pizza / cold beer / soda. The hot bags that carry Pizza have been measured - will carry Eight 16 inch pizzas. The cold bags will carry Four 2 Liter bottles of soda (or four quarts of cold beer). - Will have simple sheet metal design to accomplish the above task - and to function in an Urban environment.
3.) Trailer setup to carry your dog!!! Designed to comfortably and safely carry most dogs, except for super large. = So now you'll be able to carry your dog around, nearly every place you can ride by yourself - and not be limited to distances you can foot travel - or have to use the car. - You'll be able to travel nearly as far and fast with this dog trailer as without any trailer - as explained next - AND - your dog should love it! Since they love to ride in cars.
- End of webpage - the below kept for font samples
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